Home PostsCoffee With Jesus GRIEF AND GRATITUDE


by Craig F. Harrison
2 mins read
Craig Harrison - Coffee With Jesus

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking of the words GRIEF and GRATITUDE! They do not seem to go together but I think they really do.  In Grief, we are deeply missing the love that filled our lives with Joy. The pain when someone passes, however, can be overwhelming, and we forget the key element of GRATITUDE!  In our hearts, we are truly grateful to have experienced that LOVE, no matter the pain.  In moments of GRIEF, I turn to GRATITUDE for the great memories and love shared.

Just this morning, I was missing my family, my mother and father, both brothers, and my sister, who left this world too young. The grief is real, but the love and memories are real, too.  I would rather have had the love and memories in my life than to have never experienced them at all. I also trust in God’s promise that we will be together again.  

So, in the meantime, I wait patiently for the great reunion.  GRIEF and GRATITUDE ARE LIKE, even if they don’t seem to be. You know, peanut butter and jelly are an unlikely pair, and yet they go together too.  

Have a grateful day. 

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