by Craig F. Harrison
2 mins read
Craig Harrison - Coffee With Jesus

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking of Saint Teresa of Avila. Today is her Feast Day. She said, “Let NOTHING disturb you, let NOTHING frighten you, though all things pass. God does NOT change. PATIENCE wins all things.  But he lacks nothing who possesses God; for God ALONE suffices.”

What a wonderful reminder at the beginning of a day!  We cannot let things disturb us or frighten us, because our GOD is with us. Whenever you feel under attack, overwhelmed, or anxious, the Saints always remind us that there is power in Jesus. 

Today we surrender our worries, our fears, the pressures, the attacks, with the powerful words, “Oh Jesus, I Surrender myself to you. You take care of everything.” 

Have a very wonderful, blessed day! And Saint Theresa, pray for us!

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