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As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus this morning, I was thinking about DREAMS. I was talking to a friend yesterday and she said something profound. We were talking about depression, the disconnect of the world, and she said, “I can’t find the dream.” It seemed like an epiphany! In this strange time we live in, when we barely remember what day it is, it seems we have forgotten how to dream. We used to dream of the future, of a vacation, or of fellowship at church. We had routines; now it all seems different.
Perhaps Jesus is calling us to something deeper. Where we used to fill our time with busyness and activity, now there is a tremendous VOID. Perhaps Jesus is wanting to fill that void. Jesus wants to be a part of the DREAM. We can go through the motions, fill our time with useless things, or we can open our hearts to JESUS. We can allow HIM to fill that void and then we can dream again! We can dream again of greater things, greater times, greater blessings.
Today DREAM. DREAM of a world that Jesus wants. Dream of a world of peace and joy and love. And then hold on tight because DREAMS do come true.
Have a blessed day!