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As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking of the word UNDERSTANDING. I realize I do not understand all the ways in which God works, so I must TRUST HIM. His ways are not our ways! I have to trust that there are no details in my life that are hidden from the FATHER.
Oftentimes, I must remind myself that God did not create me to understand these things, but to KNOW, LOVE, AND SERVE HIM! That helps me to live just for today and to center my day on him. I often want to control, to make things happen, and yet, HIS will is perfect!
Today, I am going to live in HIS trust and promises. I’m going to live joyfully, peacefully, in the day that HE has made for me. I will handle only today, whatever sacred interruptions come, and trust that they are part of the heavenly plan.
Have a blessed day and enjoy HIS plans for you!