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As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking of a conversation I had with friends yesterday. We came up with the expression to “SPLURGE or PURGE”. When we find ourselves SPLURGING, we collect more things. It can lead us to be more focused on self. It can take us away from our spiritual journey.
But when we PURGE, we simplify things. When we clean out our houses or storage units, we purge ourselves from attachment to things. When we purge ourselves from unnecessary activities, like watching too much news or useless television, we can find more time to study God’s word and make time to pray. Purging helps us to think about others and remain detached.
Today, I am going to focus on PURGING instead of SPLURGING. I’m going to SIMPLIFY so I can INTENSIFY. I’m going to allow the Holy Spirit to guide me on the path of finding TIME and SPACE for our Lord.
Have a great day!