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As I rush to have a cup of coffee with Jesus, I am thinking about rituals. I’m usually awake by 3:30 AM, showered, get my coffee, do my meditations, and then write my reflection. Today I didn’t wake up till six, got on a zoom Bible study at 6:30, and started working out in the gym at 7:30. I got a call from someone asking me if I was OK and I realized I had forgotten to do my post!
It wasn’t exactly that I forgot, it’s just that I threw myself off by not waking up early. So I’m taking a little break to write my reflection. Every day does not always go as you plan. When you get thrown off your routine, it is OK. I’m going to go back to my workout and when I’m done, I will read my reflections and get myself ready for the day! I like routine. I don’t like to be late, but I also know that life does not always happen the way we plan.
So, today I am going to be OK that I am out of sync. I’m not going to let it ruin my whole day; I am going to enjoy the fact that I can bring myself back to balance.