by Craig F. Harrison
2 mins read
Craig Harrison - Coffee With Jesus

As I said and have my cup of coffee and with Jesus this morning, I was reflecting on the phrase, “This, too, shall pass!”.  I know that things sometimes seem to be getting worse. Work and family have to adjust as life changes, but one thing that is consistent is Jesus Christ!

Everything else in our life will come to an end.  One problem will come and it will end, and then another one will come and it, too, will end! The goal is to persevere in Christ, reminding ourselves daily that He is in charge. And to remind ourselves to be careful that we do not just focus on the end, but realize the real lessons come from the process. Day by day, moment by moment, lessons come for us to learn about LOVE.

So, today I am ready for a NEW day. Some things today will come to pass, and others will linger, but I will hold close to Jesus Christ and enjoy the journey.  

Have a blessed day!

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