by Craig F. Harrison
2 mins read
Craig Harrison - Coffee With Jesus

As I am having my cup of coffee this morning with Jesus, a father on his bike was being followed by his five-year-old son on his bike with training wheels. I thought about how the FATHER leads us. HE gives us training “wills”!  HE teaches us gradually how to surrender our will to HIS!  We spend so much of our time working for titles, a bigger house, more money, and our egos can grow strong. We lose our focus and purpose, and then God steps in and teaches us to surrender. We do not have to be afraid because HE is always WITH US, training us, reminding us, picking us up, and loving us. 

We all need training! Today let’s ask ourselves what is HE training me for? Am I listening, am I following, am I surrendering? Am I following HIM to lead me like that little kid on his bike with training wheels, following his father? Another day for us to grow in HIS awareness and follow HIM. 

Here they come, back again. How ironic that this time the little boy is leading. 

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