As I have my cup of coffee with Jesus and read my reflections I got stuck on the word “IF”. How often do we use that word? “IF” I would have done that, “IF” this would’ve happened in my life, “IF” things had turned out differently? “IF” always takes us to the past. Jesus calls us to live in the present to “BE”!I love these moments in the morning because it allows me to BE with HIM. To breathe in newness of life, hope and peace. When I live in the “IF” I’m agitated, frustrated and cannot find peace. To BE is not a far place to travel to, its just PRESENT in this moment. It is here that we encounter the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the mystery of our faith, the PRESENT …HIS PRESENCE.Today I am going to strive to BE, and IF I don’t that is my own doing. My first thought was I wonder IF it’s going to be 100° today… Negativity, and ease and dread! I change my thinking it is going to BE at least 100 degrees praise God maybe it will kill this pandemic. See how easy it is! Have a blessed day!
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