As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus I was thinking of a quote by Samuel Rutherford. He says,” the secret formula of the saints is: When I am in the cellar of AFFLICTION, I look for the Lord’s choicest wines.” This quote caught my eye on many levels. First I like wine and not only have I had personal experience being in the cellar of affliction I have been blessed over the years of people sharing their stories with me of their own affliction. Whether it be the loss of a loved one, a struggle with an addiction, or fear of living in anxiety or depression at one time or another we all know what it’s like to enter in to the cellar of the AFFLICTION. The key is to taste the choicest wines. In our pain, to hold on to the only thing that leads us through our affliction and that is the BLOOD OF CHRIST! Today, look at how Jesus has carried you through afflictions in your life. He has never abandon you or left you alone, He invites you to drink from the cup! Hold it with two hands and taste the choicest wine! Have a blessed day!
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