Home PostsCoffee With Jesus NUDGE AND BUDGE


by Craig F. Harrison
2 mins read
Craig Harrison - Coffee With Jesus

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about a reflection I read. In it was a quote that said, “Give me the courage to BUDGE whenever you NUDGE”. How often does God nudge us? He puts a person in our minds that He wants us to reach out to, He puts a thought in our heads of a kindness we can do; He nudges us. And how often do we ignore it?

It’s a great day to think about what God is NUDGING us to do. He nudges us to open our eyes to the beauty of His creation. He NUDGES us to reach out to someone who is sick or alone. He NUDGES us to spend some quiet time in prayer. Listen to the soft whisper of HIS HOLY Voice, and when God NUDGES, have the courage to BUDGE! 

And have a blessed day.

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