by Craig F. Harrison
2 mins read
Craig Harrison - Coffee With Jesus

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about GIFTS. My gifts for my family are all wrapped and under the tree, but I am thinking about the GREATER gifts.  What gifts have I received this year?  I received the gift of PATIENCE.  Waiting and waiting for direction has shown me patience.  I received the gift of PERSEVERANCE, even when I felt like giving up.  I received the gift of FRIENDSHIP from many around me.  I received the gift of TEARS through personal losses.  I received the gift of HEALING as Jesus works deeper in my life.  I received the gift of FORGIVENESS as I strive to forgive those in my life I need to forgive.

Even though I received a lot of gifts, what gift am I giving Jesus for HIS birthday, since this is all about HIM?  What could I possibly give HIM?  The only thing I can give HIM completely Is MYSELF.  I can give HIM my loneliness, my BROKENNESS, my fears.  These are the only true gifts I can give HIM.  It doesn’t seem much to give the KING OF KINGS, but it’s all I need to GIVE!  What are you going to give Jesus this Christmas?

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Lynda Kissack December 22, 2023 - 5:20 am

I’m still working on the patience thing. Haven’t accomplished it yet. Thank good Jesus has patience because I know he is waiting for me.

Myers Velma December 22, 2023 - 10:13 am

Worries, fears..


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