Peace, Be Still

Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking of the phrase that Jesus said in Mark 4:39, “PEACE; BE STILL”. Sometimes we need to quit thinking and just be still. Sometimes we need to just tell ourselves to be still. Everybody thinks too much and about too many things. When we’re thinking all the time, it’s hard to live in the present moment and the words, “PEACE” and “STILL”, need to be repeated.

When we are STILL, our senses are stronger. We become more aware of the sounds of creation, the smells and the sights of miracles unfolding every moment. Saint Francis of Assisi learned this in his lifetime. It allowed him to experience God in the city, in the mountains, in creation, wherever life took him.

Just as Jesus calmed the wind and the sea with the words, “PEACE, BE STILL”, HE does the same with the worry, anxiety, and the frustrations we often experience. Today, repeat those words often as you go about your day. Listen to the healing words of Christ, “PEACE, BE STILL “. 

Have a blessed day!

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Mary Tonoco February 28, 2022 - 6:24 am
Good Morning Father Craig, thank you for your message today Peace Be Still. Have a Blessed Day ♥️🙏🙏
Liz Ventura February 28, 2022 - 6:48 am
Peace be still 💗
CynD Terrazas February 28, 2022 - 8:16 am
Thank you Monsignor, perfect timing, I soooo needed this message. Blessings to you, Have a SPECTACULAR DAYP🥰
Marta Chipres February 28, 2022 - 8:53 am
Buon Giorno Monsignor, HE calmed the wind and the sea with the words, “PEACE, BE STILL.” Currently, the world is witnessing, horrific violent attacks on Ukraine. “PEACE, BE STILL,” is so needed, may Ukraine and Russia reach an agreement for PEACE, may the notion of “BE STILL,” occur for the innocent civilians on both sides of the border, may the death of innocent citizens stop! Our Father, please place your hand on all involved to end this senseless dying. If Putin keeps attacking Ukraine, please give the Ukrainian citizens strength, fortitude, perseverance and continual hope to keep defending their own country. Thank you for this timely message
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