
Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about the word OBEDIENCE.  If you look in the Scriptures, you will find that Jesus never forces or threatens OBEDIENCE.  Jesus uses “IF”.  “If anyone desires to come after ME, let him deny himself”.  This is true DISCIPLESHIP; HE invites us to a life and encourages us to follow.

Jesus makes HIS way, HIS truth, and HIS life very clear; it’s not about rules, it’s about a way of life based on love, mercy, and forgiveness.  This is something our world needs to see today more than ever.  When we obey Jesus, God ‘s love flows through us and touches the lives of many others. Forced obedience is controlling, and it’s easy to fall into that sin.

Today, we should be asking ourselves if am we are joyfully, willingly, and obediently following Jesus, or are we living out of fear and control.  If you’re living out of fear and control, Jesus is not a part of it.  Today, let’s live in the Freedom of being a true disciple, following Jesus.  What a great day, CHOOSING to be obedient to God’s WORD!  Have a blessed day! 

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Marta E. Chipres November 3, 2021 - 5:22 am
Buon Giorno Monsignor Thank you for the reminder on willingness vs forced obedience. I had never made the distinction of the word obedience in the Bible and “IF” as you stated. It’s true, we choose whether we want to follow Jesus, to think, to act and to give as HE did. In other words, to emulate HIS LOVE, MERCY and FORGIVENESS. Yesterday, I was in a text message nightmare, I’m not fond of “talking” using texts as you’re not seeing body language, intonation and context as you do when your having a face to face conversation. I try to always assume best intentions as I’ve learned the hard way… my life is easier and more peaceful when I apply this principle. Going back to the text, it was between me and my boyfriend, the conversation lead into an interesting hypothetical scenario. I read 1 particular sentence one way, which he MEANT that 1 sentence in a completely different perspective than I had interpreted. This led us down a downward spiral. “IF” I had applied my “usual” assume best intention principle or as you eloquently wrote, “Jesus makes HIS way, HIS truth, and HIS life very clear; it’s not about rules, it’s about a way of life based on love, mercy, and forgiveness.” My boyfriend is extremely religious and he lives his life using these tenants. IF I had stopped and reread his sentence, I SHOULD have read it through the lens of how Jesus lives his life: “HIS way, HIS truth, and HIS life is very clear; it’s not about rules, it’s about a way of life based on love, mercy, and forgiveness.” This is a clear example of trusting in Jesus and following HIS way vs obedience; I too should have trusted in my boyfriends morals, integrity and character. I should have read that darn sentence through the lens of how would Jesus react? Yes, I did ask for forgiveness, which he freely gave me. Have a Blessed day Dr. Marta E. Chipres
Mary Timoco November 3, 2021 - 6:58 am
Good Morning Father Craig, Thank you for that Beautiful and reminding message. We All need obedient and faithful Have a Blessed Day ♥️🙏🙏
Robert Proctor November 3, 2021 - 10:14 am
Good word! Very insightful. Thank you.
glenda l bell November 3, 2021 - 3:02 pm
Thank you for your beautiful inspiration.
Denise Eyherabide November 3, 2021 - 9:32 pm
Great Message! Had my gall bladder surgery last week and am in recovery now. I see the doctor tomorrow for a checkup after the surgery. My brother Fred passed away last week in Las Cruces, New Mexico, but I was unable to attend his funeral due to the gallbladder surgery. Deacon Fred Ansolabehere, my 1st. cousin and his sister Marguerite flew to Las Cruces and Deacon Fred gave the service for my brother. Marguerite took pictures and is sending me copies of the service. Hopefully we can hold a service for him here in Bakersfield as well since most of the relatives live here! Amen and God Bless everyone!
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