Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about the word FOUNDATION.  Foundations are very important.  For some, we had parents who laid a very strong and healthy foundation for us; others had to build their own.  Some people have been blessed to have had teachers, coaches, mentors, or spiritual leaders who helped to build a strong foundation.

Today is a great day to reflect on who helped build your foundation.  Who helped you to get to where you are today?  As Christians, we are blessed that JESUS has become our FOUNDATION.  It’s on HIS WORD that we build our lives.  Our faith in HIM has become the cornerstone on which we build our lives today.  It doesn’t matter whether you started with a weak foundation or a strong one.  What matters is that Christ is the cornerstone of that foundation, and not even Satan can touch that!

Have a beautiful day, and take time to reflect on the foundation that holds you up!

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1 comment

Dina November 10, 2023 - 6:14 am
Thank you 🙏
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