Come near to God

Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus on this BEAUTIFUL DAY, I was reflecting on James 4:8. “Come near to God and he will come near to you”. Do you find yourself sometimes saying, “as soon as I get this done or that done, I will make time for prayer”? “When I get my list to do done, I will take time to be alone with the Lord. “You will always find that the time disappears. We need to make time for JESUS!

God never moves away from us, but we get distracted and often times rush away or move away because of the distractions and busyness of our day. We need to slow down especially with our time with the LORD. We can’t rush through our prayer time, quiet time, or scripture reading.

Today I am going to focus on being near to HIM, at peace with HIM and I will take the time to be in HIS presence. HAVE A BLESSED DAY!

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Marta E. Escobar October 28, 2021 - 5:38 am
Buon Giorno Monsignor I’m embarrassed to say this Monsignor, but you’re 100% correct! I have on occasions told our Father I’ll pray and/or I’ll read the Bible after I finish cleaning the house, walking the dog or cooking etc. As HE has pulled me out of my dark tumultuous hole I’ve learned the best way to ensure I pray, read Scriptures and talk to our Father is- I do it first thing in the morning. As soon as I wake up I pinch myself… HE’s already Blessed me. I’m awake. I then go through and thank HIM for the gifts HE’s bestowed on me. I then read your message Monsignor, I don’t always comment on your section, but I’d say over 95% of the time I do. I feel as I’m writing my response to our Father, HE’s reading my comments. I truly read your message, ponder, pontificate and then I’ll respond. Sometimes they’re short are others are extremely long. After finishing my writing I have a women’s daily prayer book I read religiously. Then, depending on all of the above I’ll go to my Bible. Lastly, I’ll go for my jog with our Father and my entire time is spent with HIM, sometimes it’s as simple as blocking away all the busyness of my crazy brain and truly just enjoying the outdoors, other times HE gives me homework assignments and I’ll ask questions, lastly and this ones fun, WE do have arguments, where I’m defending myself and of course HE’s always correct. I’ve learned the hard way, don’t question HIM, just do it! “God never moves away from us, but we get distracted and often times rush away or move away because of the distractions and busyness of our day. We need to slow down especially with our time with the LORD. We can’t rush through our prayer time, quiet time, or scripture reading.” Blessings, Dr. Marta E. Chipres (Escobar)
Denise Eyherabide October 28, 2021 - 7:08 am
Taking time to be in HIS presents as I prepare to go into surgery! Amen and GOD BLESS EVERYONE!
Carrie Camargo October 29, 2021 - 11:16 pm
Dear Marta , Thank you so much for deep renewing of our relationship with God. I read it three times. I normally get Father Craig's devotions, but as we all know it had to change , ugh 🙄. You insight was so inspiring. Thank you!
Marta E. Chipres (Escobar) October 28, 2021 - 7:37 am
Wonderful message Monsignor! “ God never moves away from us, but we get distracted and often times rush away or move away because of the distractions and busyness of our day. We need to slow down especially with our time with the LORD. We can’t rush through our prayer time, quiet time, or scripture reading.”
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