Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus on this beautiful morning, I am reflecting on a quote I read from Mrs. Charles Cowman’s book, “Streams in the Desert.”  It says, “The meaning of trial is not only to test worthiness but to increase it; the Oak is not only tested by the storms, but it is toughened by them.”

When we are forced to deal with death of someone we care about and love, we are also forced to see the pain.  This can be overwhelming, for love and pain often go hand in hand.  You cannot love your spouse for seventy years, like a friend did, and not experience the pain of his passing.  Pain and love go together.  Another friend shared something she read about childbirth, that the pain of delivery goes away when that child is held by its parents for the first time.

Whatever trials we feel we are going through right now, we need to focus.  Trials make us rethink the way we were living.  They make us slow down, force us to spend more time with our family, and recognize the simple things of life.  Trials can make us stronger, more creative, and, hopefully, more spiritual.

So, if we can embrace the trials we have and trust that they are making us stronger (like the oak), we grow closer to God.  He is preparing us for a new earth, a new life, where pain and love will explode together, where the universe will finally be at peace, and all will come to be one with God.

So, when you embrace the pain of whatever trial you’re going through today, don’t ignore the love that came with that pain.  Remember, the Cross brought about the Resurrection.  You can handle it.  You are not alone.  HE sent the Holy Spirit to show you the way.  

Have a blessed day and may the Spirit of God be with you.

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1 comment

Elizabeth C McFarland June 1, 2023 - 6:56 pm
I love to read all the reflections that you leave. All of them are speaking to me about a deeper faith and how much god loves us thank you so much
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