
Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I am reflecting on the word SURRENDER. This word comes to me often and it is not easy for people who like to control. I practice a novena every day and have for two years now, called the Surrender Novena. It’s a powerful phrase at the end of each day is, and “O Jesus, I surrender myself to YOU, YOU take care of everything!” 

Sometimes we must surrender so that we can be strong. If we truly believe God has a perfect plan and that HE IS THE LORD of our life, then we must trust that whatever comes our way is part of HIS plan and for our salvation. We may wish that things were different, or not understand why we’re going through a certain trial, but we must trust in God’s plan.

Today we can enter another day with nothing to worry about as long as we take the hand of Jesus and listen to HIS voice. Surrender the need to make things happen and let them happen according to HIS will. Have a blessed day living in HIS presence and surrendering to your Lord!

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1 comment

Denise Eyherabide September 28, 2021 - 8:12 am
Great message! Great message last night also! Amen and God Bless!
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