Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I am reflecting on the SURRENDER NOVENA, given to us by Jesus to Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970…you can Google it)!  I have prayed it every day now for the past two years, and each day it feels like a brand new prayer.  Today, I repeat Day Four, which says, “Do not worry; close your eyes, and say to ME with faith: ‘Thy will be done.’  YOU take care of it.  And I say to you that I will take care of it, and that I will intervene as a doctor; and I will accomplish miracles when they are needed.”  Then comes THE most powerful prayer, “O, Jesus, I surrender myself to YOU.  YOU take care of everything.”

When you feel overwhelmed, or experience fear, or anxiety, pray this prayer.  Surrender what you cannot control so that Jesus can be the true Lord of your life.  Every day, I begin with this SURRENDER prayer, trusting that Jesus hears me and is working in my life.

Today, experience the presence of Jesus in the moment, in each experience, and in each person HE brings you.  Living in HIS presence and surrendering to HIM will make this the best day of your life. 

Have a blessed day, and give it all to HIM?

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1 comment

Mary Tinoco June 3, 2023 - 2:13 pm
Good Afternoon Father Craig , Thank you for that inspirational message . I need to pray that everyday as well . Have a Beautiful Blessed Day ♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏
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