Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking of a conversation I had with a good friend yesterday.  She is battling cancer, and we were talking about why we have to go through difficult times.  She is very brave, and we were sharing about how we don’t always understand why God allows suffering.  Where is God when all of this is happening?

We discussed how God allowed Jesus to suffer.  HE offered that suffering up for us.  We talked about the importance of that when we are afraid, or in pain, or suffering, to think of others, to get outside of our self.  Hearing her vulnerability and trust in Jesus just reminded me how powerful our God is. We reminded each other that we all must stay close to HIM and TRUST HIM!  I’m so grateful I have friends that fight the fight, and even though they have moments of fear, they just need to be reminded that Jesus is carrying them through this.  I got off the phone and I felt so empowered, so grateful!

Jesus, today we offer to you any fear, any pain, any suffering.  We surrender our lives to you, and trust this is part of our journey to holiness. Have a blessed day!

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Eloise Arias November 6, 2023 - 5:08 am
Love this I also walk her journey but embrace it knowing God is in control. I try and uplift others going thru anything it’s letting them know it’s ok to release and speak about it and ask for prayers. Prayers in numbers help.
Randy Van Horn November 6, 2023 - 6:26 am
I praying God will end my suffering one way or another! ❤️🙏
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