Small Stuff

Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about a book I read years ago, entitled “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.”  I know this is true, but it is harder to practice living it.  It makes me wonder why I make such a long To Do List every day, and why I have trouble sitting still and reflecting, and how I get annoyed when something I plan doesn’t go just the way I wanted.

When we choose to follow Jesus, we can’t “sweat the small stuff.” Jesus is always bringing us sacred interruptions to see if we can find the HOLINESS in the moment.  We can learn that we do not have to control the moment, but that we can actually be present in it.

Whether it be a house that needs to be cleaned, or a flat tire, or endless lists, our attitude makes all the difference.  Are we serving our To Do List or Our Lord’s?  Can we see the lessons in the sacred interruptions?  Are we holding onto the past or embracing the present?  When we strive to put Jesus in the center of our lives, it is all small stuff!  

Today, I will strive to see Jesus in all the simple tasks, the small things, and make them prayers of GRATITUDE.  

I think I will put that on my list!

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Mary Tonoco April 11, 2022 - 6:24 am
Good Morning Father Craig ,thank you for your message today. Thank you for the way of seeing Don't sweat the small Stuff .. Havena Blessed Day ♥️🙏🙏
Denise Eyherabide April 11, 2022 - 7:58 am
Great message! Amen and GOD BLESS EVERYONE!
Dr. Marta Chipres April 11, 2022 - 9:03 am
Good Monday Morning Monsignor, I love this message, our to do list is truly simple, we as humans are pushed, propelled and we feel we are inefficient when we don’t have a long to do list. I was guilty, I too did this, I felt horrible when I did not complete my daily task list. In the past, I’d take a rolling cart of work when I traveled, I’d lug the damn heavy cart and even if it was a 3-5 day conference, I wouldn’t even touch a single item, I’d feel horrible. Now, I take 1 book and I’m ok if I don’t read it, I now view conferences as times to reflect, to regroup and increase my professionalism relationships and now my main goal, my to do list is focusing my conversations and prayers to our Father. I’m happier, at peace and my anxiousness are gone..
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