Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit in have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I see that a couple of my neighbors already have their Christmas trees out on the curb.  I want to tell them that Christmas is not over yet, that the Christmas season ends with the Epiphany.  So, we need to change our thinking about Christmas; it is not over, it has really just begun.  It is easy to fall into the idea of a secular Christmas where it’s all about the presents and the parties, and then, finally to say “Im glad it’s over.”  That is no way to welcome the birth of Christ.  The celebration needs to continue.  

The tree may be dry, and some of the lights burned out, but it’s time to reflect on the Nativity.   The hoopla is over; now it is time to get into the true spirit of Christmas.  

Today, we need to start thinking about the new year, how we are going to bring positive energy, joy, peace, and love into the world, and how we are going to REFOCUS, RECONNECT and RENEW!  Have a blessed day!

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Mary Tinoco December 29, 2022 - 2:28 pm
Good Morning Father Craig , thank you for your message today . Yes you be are absolutely right we need to start focusing on God and the reason for the season and being kind and doing what God would want us to do to be a better person .Have a Blessed Day ♥️🙏🙏
Marissa Simmer December 30, 2022 - 1:57 am
Hi Mary and Craig- I was delighted to see your name, my maiden name is "Tinoco" and really such an uncommon name (though getting to be more common these days). Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you both. I'm loving the serenity of Christmastime and keeping my tree up and Christmas lights up until the Epiphany. Love to All. -Marissa
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