Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about the many different types of prayers we pray. There are simple prayers children make, like “Jesus, I want a bicycle,” and there are the complex inner yearnings of our souls, seeing God in mysterious, sacramental awareness. My mornings with Jesus contain a meditation on the rosary, praying the Divine Office, and different reflections that people have written. And sometimes it is in just gazing at the sun rising and hearing the birds singing that I turn my prayer to praise.

Yesterday, when I went to pick up some water at a store, the parking lot was rather full. As I was walking into the store, a woman approached me and said that it was nice to see me and asked if I had a hard time finding parking.  I responded, “Yes.”  She said, “Try my prayer. Hail Mary, full of Grace, help me find a parking place.” She said it worked every time.  

So, you see, prayer comes in all forms!  Sometimes, we need to break out of our routine so that our prayer does not become just a mumbling of words. Basically, it is God present to us and us present to HIM! Whatever way in which God speaks to your heart that you are open to, this is prayer. One form is not always better than the other and you would be surprised at how many ways HE can reach us. Today, may your prayer life be real and rich. May you look beyond and within. May you touch the finger of God.

Have a blessed day!

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