Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking more about people who suffer from depression, anxiety, and loneliness. One of the devotionals I love is, “Streams of the Desert”. Yesterday the reflections talked about Matthew 14:13. “..and He withdrew… To a solitary place.” Sometimes God calls us to a solitary place. Psychologists call it depression, anxiety, or loneliness!

The devotional went on to say that certain times in our lives are like music;  God creates a space for a PAUSE. Those periods of time are just as important as the musical notes themselves. We have to learn, in the times of depression, anxiety, or loneliness, to embrace the PAUSE; it is essential for the entire masterpiece. So, maybe today it is time to withdraw, and spend some time alone with the Lord, asking yourself these questions: What is HE teaching you?  Where is HE taking you? And what is HE asking of you?

We don’t have to be ashamed, embarrassed, or afraid of our moments of depression and anxiety. It is just part of the melody of our lives and an important part of the bigger picture. What’s more important is it’s filling our lives with the presence of the Lord! Let’s enjoy all the blessings HE brings during those periods of PAUSE.

Today, I’m going to embrace the PAUSE!  

Have a blessed day!

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