Open Hands

Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was reflecting on a quote from St. Augustine. “God is always trying to give good things to us, but our hands are too full to receive them.” So the question that we need to ask ourselves is what am I filling my hands with? Maybe I am filling my hands with worry wringing them daily. Am I filling my hands with busyness? Or perhaps I’m filling my hands with greed, envy, anger? Maybe I fill my hands with violence, disrespect idleness? Maybe, I close my hands and keep out love, grace, and peace! To receive all that GOD gives us we need to greet HIM with OPEN hands. Today I’m going to let go of all the things I’m holding tightly to and OPEN my hands to the Lord! While my hands are open I will offer HIM praise and thanksgiving for all that HE does and for the blessings HE gives me every day. With open hands, I sing HIS praises. Have a blessed day!

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