Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I am continuing to prepare for the beginning of the NEW YEAR. I have never really believed in resolutions as much as in setting some goals. I try to think of things that I want to improve emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. I think of books that I would like to read, classes I’d like to take, spiritual exercises to practice, eating more healthfully, taking care of my body, looking deeper into myself, and connecting with God.

I like to write these down but not put time limits or restrictions on them. I think about and listen to where God wants to take me. I like to reflect on where I’ve been and where God is leading me. Whether the last year was full of challenges or blessings, it is now in the past and we need to look forward and into the light. I believe that next year is what we will make of it as individuals, families, communities, and even the world.  It’s time to create the energy that will bring about change, and I believe that comes from Jesus.

Today, I will spend some time in quiet and prayer, listening to what God is asking of me. I will write these down and make them my prayer to welcome the new year. I trust that this NEW YEAR will be filled with amazing possibilities, healing, justice, and peace. I will SURRENDER to HIS will; I WILL TRUST IN HIM! Have a blessed day!

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