Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was reflecting on a quote that someone posted yesterday. It said,”Every miracle in the Bible first started out as a problem.” That is really GOOD NEWS! Think about any problem you have going on right now and know that it’s the making of a miracle.

I’ll bet if we went back and looked at our lives with its many problems, we would see many MIRACLES; prayers that were answered, problems that were solved, ways in which God‘s hand was at work. All we have to do is TRUST that God is using the problems we are facing to perform miracles. If HE can take water and turn it into wine, choice wine, if HE can take Lazarus and RAISE him from the dead, then HE can turn our problems INTO miracles!

Today, I put my trust in Jesus. Today, I name and give Him the problems I face, and I see a potential MIRACLE. In fact, yesterday, I witnessed three of those miracles. From now on, I want to see every problem as a miracle IN THE MAKING! 

Have a miraculous day! 

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