
Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking how God MADE this day, but it’s up to us WHAT TO MAKE OF IT!  God has given us 24 hours, and, taking away sleep, transportation, and eating, and the rest is what we MAKE of it.  We can wake up and dedicate our day to God, put a smile on our faces, and bring some JOY, or we can grumble, complain, and bring people down.

If all we had left in the world were these 24 hours, what would we do?  Don’t forget, you have to be in by 10 o’clock (I love rules).  LAUGH.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Look for the miracles that HE is doing every moment. Take a deep breath, go for a walk, call a friend… Make a difference!

There are no laws or ordinances that can take away our ability to make this the BEST day ever.  Have a great day and MAKE something out of it!

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Dana Lynn Soria November 20, 2021 - 6:22 am
Yeah wonderful way to start off the weekend
Denise Eyherabide November 20, 2021 - 6:27 am
Great message as usual! Heading to the convention center today for Woman's Club's Festival Of The Trees event. Amen and God Bless everyone!
Frank Sanchez November 20, 2021 - 9:23 am
Yes, thank you for these words.. it has made me think how I can try and lift God up by sharing with someone today the of Jesus. God Bless
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