
Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, and light my second Advent candle, I realize how much I need the LIGHT.  As a child, I fought depression and continue to do so today.  As the winter comes and the sun goes away, I can always feel it coming on, and with everything around me, there’s a DEEP darkness.  But I cannot allow myself to be in darkness, and so I constantly must reach out to the LIGHT of Christ!

I try to surround myself with good people who are positive, I read positive books, I love the positive quotes, and, sometimes, humor that people send to me.  I try to stay away from the darkness, but the only true way is to continue to invite Jesus into the darkness.  The Scriptures help me to reflect on the LIGHT.

Today was one of those days.  I woke up, sad and dark, and yet Jesus comes to me and LIFTS me up.  He dispels the darkness and reminds me that all is in HIS hands.  Today, more than ever, I will embrace the light.  

I am live in HIS presence.  Have a blessed day in HIS light!

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Marta E. Chipres December 11, 2021 - 6:47 am
Buon Giorno Monsignor, I thought I had the highest regard for you, but I was so wrong; your willingness to share an extremely vulnerable and extremely sensitive subject gives me more compassion, respect and affection for you! You are a beacon of light to thousands but you also of course need your own light. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your life-long journey. There are many of us who struggle with mental illnesses, some maybe genetic so will never completely go away, others could be circumstantial per our own unique path. Some of us may feel so overwhelmed, we can not stand the thought of feeling so down, so lonely, so hurt so trampled by life. I was one of those, going through a toxic workplace, a job I loved and endured the pain for 10 years, a horrific WWIII custody battle and the beginning of my deteriorating body. My weak feeble brain couldn’t take any more stress. As the saying goes, “stress kill!” It’s true! I tried 2x to leave this temporary home, HE told me in advance not to try, as HE still needed me here on Earth. If I was stupid enough to try, HE wouldn’t allow me to die. I’m still here Monsignor, HE has a plan for me. I truly believe it’s to share my dark, lonely painful journey with others struggling with mental health, to remove this stupid stigma. My favorite come back when folks tell me, you need to have faith, you need to be grateful, will your depression away. Well, I’ll tell folks, if you have cancer, be grateful, have faith and WILL your CANCER away! It’s not going to happen, sometimes we need medication as we have insufficiencies in hormones or vitamins or our thyroid levels maybe off. My point, there’s many physical reasons why we may need medication or therapy. WE SHOULD’T feel embarrassed, but acknowledge and take the 1st steps into HIS BRIGHT BRILLIANT SPARKLING WHITE LIGHT. HE is all we need! Especially, during this season, we maybe grieving due to a loved ones death, our own health, loss of love, loss of a relationship, loss of job, loss of a home. Be kind to others, you have no idea what monsters they are going through. God Bless you Monsignor Craig!
Mary Tinoco December 11, 2021 - 7:21 am
Good Morning Father Craig, thank you for the message and for sharing with us I know it can’t be easy . Have a Blessed and Beautiful day ♥️🙏🙏
Sonia Vaquera December 11, 2021 - 7:47 am
Good morning Father Craig, Thank you for this message, I’ve been dealing with darkness for the last 10 years. I grew up with a strong catholic faith, however I don’t know how it happened the darkness came into my life. I felt I lost myself in the process of the fight between darkness and light. I went through a messy divorce and in the process met the love of my life. It was difficult but we managed to get back on our feet. I continue to struggle with darkness and your message spoke to me. It’s what I needed to hear, may God continue allowing you to share your wisdom, Amen!! HIS BRIGHT BRILLIANT SPARKLING WHITE LIGHT. HE is all we need!
Roberto Jaramillo December 11, 2021 - 9:03 am
We do not have to wander far away from the darkness. We seek light because there we are safe. When Christ calls us to carry the cross, we do not carry torches or neon signs. We walk into places, hills, rivers and valleys and sometimes must carry it alone. Christ is our direction and light. I used to think that getting closer to Him would make me so cheerful and so holy. I realize that His light helps me see all the places in my life that still need healing and forgiveness. Our talent to speak, to share and to feel empathy are not just for the feign of hearts. They are meant to help others who can help me heal. I know that my brother, Craig, has been through the ringer. Nobody unjustly should be condemned. Oh, but Jesus was and crucified. Our journey as Christians bears the sufferings and the joys of Christ. We should be thankful for all the blessings and our hardships by offering them up to the Lord.
Kay Beavers December 11, 2021 - 12:10 pm
Have a blessed day. ! Thank you for your messages. 🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️
Denise Eyherabide December 11, 2021 - 1:30 pm
Had my surgery on Monday and stayed at my cousin's home while I went through recovery. Didn't have any complications so I'm now home! Didn't have my computer with me so I missed out on your comments for the last few days! Will try to catch up later! Great message! Amen and God Bless every one!
glenda l bell December 11, 2021 - 9:19 pm
I pray that the Light continues to shine on you. Thank you for sharing your weak as well as your strong issues with life. You are so inspiring that is why so many love and respect you.
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