Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I am reading the Scriptures. I was reminded that we cannot let ourselves be INTIMIDATED. The other day, a friend sent me a letter about how his high school aged child is being bullied, and how disconnected his son feels. We can all feel that way when we let people intimidate us.  If Jesus is the Lord of our lives, we do not have to be intimidated by others; rather, we need to be focused on God’s WORD!

There are always people who will threaten us, belittle us, refuse to listen to us, or even bully us. But if we stay focused on God’s WORD, we have nothing to fear. People intimidate because they are lacking in the SPIRIT of God and are seeking power. We need to pray for them, that they may find the SPIRIT of God in their Hearts. Everyone is broken, and the more they run from their brokenness, the more they must exert power.

So, today I am going to lift those who seek to intimidate me.  I am going to pray for them, that they may experience God‘s love and PEACE. Today I’m going to be FORGIVING, for this is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.  

Have a blessed day.

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