As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about how FEAR oftentimes dominates our life. It drains us of the energy we need to enjoy this life. It blocks relationships, can make us ill. FEAR oftentimes keeps us from our relationship with Jesus. If we really believe God’s WORD and we open our hearts to HIM, then we should have nothing to fear.
The OPPOSITE of FEAR is safety and TRUST. The DIVINE MERCY teaches us, “Jesus I trust in YOU”. We cannot live in fear and TRUST Jesus at the same time. Fear is something we play out in our mind it is usually not true, or we are living in the past or afraid of tomorrow. We can’t live in the PRESENT MOMENT and fear at the same time.
So today on this beautiful morning, with the changing of the season, the day of the Lord, let us name our fears and SURRENDER them to the FATHER. Let’s make today about living in HIS presence, about worship and adoration, about love and peace! FEAR is another 4-letter word we need to remove from our vocabulary. Have a blessed day, don’t worry be happy!