Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus on this beautiful day, I am celebrating the feast of the HOLY FAMILY.  I can’t help but think about FAMILY at this time of the year. We have biological families, we have adopted families and foster families, and we have those special people we call family.  Today, I give thanks to God for all the families who have been a part of my life. I remember those family members who have already passed, and I thank God for the gifts they shared with me in this life.

What makes a family holy is its desire to stay together. This requires FORGIVENESS, LOVE and MERCY time and time again. I’ve never met a family that did not have issues, but if they had love, I knew they could work through anything.  Today is a great day to remember that we need to FORGIVE!  If there is somebody in your family who has hurt you, has caused dissension in the family, who struggles with addiction or mental illness, today FORGIVE. Turn to God, mention them by name, and ask God to give you the grace to FORGIVE. That does not mean that you don’t need to have boundaries or that problems will disappear. It just means you have given it to God.

Today, we honor The HOLY FAMILY by showing love to our own Family, by loving them, by forgiving them! May you be blessed, and may Jesus bless all our families. And to my families, thank you for loving me!

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