
Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I am reflecting on the word EMBRACE. The word means to support, welcome, to hold closely in one’s arms. During a pandemic, it is recommended that we stay 6 feet apart. There are many grandparents right now missing the embrace of their grandchildren. Even when it may not be safe for us to embrace one another we can always EMBRACE our Lord for HE always embraces us!

It says in Ecclesiastes 3:5, “There is a time to throw stones and a time to gather stones; a time to EMBRACE and a time to shun embracing”. Not even a pandemic can keep Our Lord from EMBRACING US!

Today take a moment in prayer, close your eyes, and feel the arms of our Lord around you. His EMBRACE brings peace, security, and love. Embrace the day, EMBRACE the trials, and EMBRACE the BLESSINGS and know that you are not alone! Have A blessed day!

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Marta Elena Escobar October 8, 2021 - 5:22 am
Good morning Monsignor Craig. I so needed to read this, I received some terrible health news yesterday; I have rare fatal genetic gifts from God. The pandemic has affected all of us in so many way, it’s a tragedy all around. The “embrace” is one the the things I’ve missed the most. I was ok staying at home, I focused on my own healing, via: gardening, walking when I was well enough, praying, reading, writing (middle of 2 books), meditating, listening to my favorite songs, watching classic movies, taking photos, decorating, making fresh floral arrangements. I’m a hugger, it’s in my genes (the good ones), in our culture, you hug and give a kiss when you great and when you depart, two kisses actually, one on each check. It’s a sign of respect and affection. When someone embraces me I feel at peace, calm and truly loved. There’s something magical in the “embrace.” As I’ve learned more about my health journey I’ve learned to appreciate HIS “embrace.” If we truly pay attention, throughout the day HE gives us so many, we just need to ask HIM if we are feeling a little blue, HE’s right next to us. Thank you for the timely message Monsignor. Sending you my virtual “embrace” and kiss. Til we meet again, lots more to discuss. Have a fun filled Friday Marta
Jenny Poncetta October 8, 2021 - 5:35 am
Beautiful message this morning😇❤️In quiet times I always feel our Lords embrace ❤️In the not so quiet times more difficult but I know he is with me every step of the way! Have a blessed day🙏😇❤️
Mary Tinoco October 8, 2021 - 6:25 am
Good Morning Father Craig, thank you for that beautiful message. I hope everyone reads this today, it really touches your heart. Have a Beautiful and Blessed day ♥️🙏
Denise Eyherabide October 8, 2021 - 8:41 am
Great message! As I pray each morning, I can feel God's embrace! Then I read your message and know that HE is with me! Amen and God Bless everyone!
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