
Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about ELECTRICITY. Yesterday a transformer blew out in our neighborhood, and we were without electricity for about six hours. It’s amazing what you can’t do without electricity. No TV, AC, Wi-Fi, no appliances. A couple of neighbors and I sat out on the front porch and just talked, we connected. (Human connection Is even better than the Internet)

It is the same way with Jesus. Unless we connect with HIM nothing really works. The toaster looks good but unless you plug it in and turn it on you don’t get toast. We must connect with Jesus; we have to make time for him. Today, it’s a great time to make time for JESUS.

Today whether you’re going to complete some things on your list to do, visit with a friend, get caught up on work… stay connected to Jesus. Invite HIM into your day and stay plugged in. It’s all about connection! Have a blessed staying connected, plugged in, energized, and in the Lord!

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Marta Escobar September 19, 2021 - 4:53 am
Connections with others especially those who love you is paramount, who loves us the most? Of course Jesus! In order to have meaning in our life we most foster a deep loving relationship with HIM, spend quiet time with HIM, talk to HIM and most importantly listen to HIM. Use your electricity wisely! God Bless you Monsignor Craig, Dr. Marta E. Escobar
Denise Eyherabide September 19, 2021 - 6:51 am
Great that you connected with your neighbors. I read that the electricity may be affected tomorrow so I'm waiting to see what happens. Will do as much as I can today instead including mass. Just connected with EWTN for the rosary. Now to get ready for mass!.......Great message! Will be going through surgeries soon! Take care! Amen and God Bless!
Dana Soria September 19, 2021 - 7:24 am
Thank you for starting my day off wonderful
Julie Sanders September 19, 2021 - 7:53 am
Love this! Really hits home💥
Trudi Dayton September 19, 2021 - 1:16 pm
Years ago you helped my children and I get through a very sad time in our life. My husband Kevin Dayton passed away unexpectanly. You helped us keep our faith in God and not slip away from each other! God Bless you Father Craig! I do love you and appreciate you! With over from Trudi Dayton. daytontrudi2@gmail.com
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