Keeping The Spirit Alive

Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I continue to celebrate the Easter message that Jesus has RISEN. Yesterday was an amazing day! I felt the presence of the RISEN Lord in the beauty of HIS creation as the weather was beautiful and everything was in bloom. I felt HIS presence in seeing many friends that I have not seen for some time. The readings of the Scriptures, the music and songs and hymns I heard, all inspired me. It seemed everywhere I turned HE was present.

The Easter season continues, and we need to keep alive The SPIRIT of the LIVING God. For many of us we go back to work today, and we need to take the joy, that we are loved by one who gave HIS very life, so that we might live in HIS joy.

Today, begin your day with gratitude, a smile on your face, knowing that you are loved! With each day the light of Christ will guide us out of the darkness of the world. It’s happening now, just look around and give glory to God! Keep Easter Alive!

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