Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was reflecting on DIVINE MERCY!  In the dictionary,  DIVINE is defined as “of, or from God” and MERCY is defined as “compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.”  What a powerful gift DIVINE MERCY is!

When someone wrongs me, or hurts me or someone I love, my mind automatically goes to revenge.  I can plot their downfall, but I know Jesus asks much more of me.  He reminds me of the MERCY that HE has shown me in those times when I did not live up to being the best person I can be.  It’s an endless MERCY, loving us for who we are, loving us and our sinfulness, and never giving up on us.  He only asked that we do the same in return.

We’ve all been hurt, attacked, abandoned, or deeply wounded, but Jesus calls us to share HIS MERCY.  So today, let us think of those we need to forgive and lift them up to Jesus.  Let us ask Jesus for the strength to be merciful to them as HE has been merciful to us. 

Have a blessed day! 

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1 comment

Grace Tanner April 13, 2023 - 5:38 am
Thank you for your powerful message!
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