Depression and Loneliness

Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about all of the people who have been talking to me about loneliness and depression.  Both are very real things.  If you’re one of the lucky ones who doesn’t suffer from them, know that you still play an important part in the lives of those who do.

Throughout my life, I have dealt with depression and I’ve also had some times of loneliness.  But I’ve never really felt alone.  Part of that is because I’m an extrovert and I like being around people.  But there are serious issues in our world today, and the SCRIPTURES offers us great help when we are feeling down or alone.  One of my favorite scriptures is, “The Lord HIMSELF goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you or forsake you.  Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged,” Deut. 31:8

So, if you suffer from depression or loneliness, know you are never alone. The Lord IS with you!  If you don’t suffer from depression or loneliness, know that a simple phone call, a kind word, a text can make all the difference to someone who does!  Never be afraid to reach out to someone!  

Have a blessed day!

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Marta E. Chipres (Escobar) January 23, 2022 - 3:42 am
Burn Giorno Monsignor, Thank you for sharing your personal struggles with depression and loneliness, for those of us who have experienced depression and loneliness, awful darkness which takes a hold of you and refuses to let go. Whether due to chemical imbalances or life stress; depression can suck the will to live, to get out of bed, to shower and to eat. Depending on your personality, you may or many not want to be around family, Oftentimes, I couldn’t hide my pain and I’d seclude myself, other times I could block the pain and I’d be able to enjoy being around others and I felt wonderful, but as soon as I was alone, the darkness, would slowly creep back out. I’ve learned how to better manage my sadness through: prayer, exercising, being outside getting sun, reading, listening to music, gardening, cleaning and practicing gratitude. Once I realized our Father was always with me and wouldn’t let me suffocate I felt better. With medication and incorporating the items listed, made a gargantuan difference. The more we share our personal experiences and explain how depression is a chemical imbalance which we can’t will it away. As I’d hate when family and friends would say, “don’t be depressed, look at your life, you have a family that loves you, a house to live in, food and….” Saying that to us makes us feel worse, instead just sit with us and love us. Depression is real, help us, don’t hurt us! La depressione è reale, aiutaci, non farci del male!
Mary Tonoco January 23, 2022 - 7:49 am
Good Morning Father Craig , thank you for that message today . My brother suffers from depression because of his illness and I’m always trying to call him and check up on him . Have a Blessed Day ♥️🙏🙏🙏
Denise Eyherabide January 23, 2022 - 8:36 am
Great message! Amen and GOD BLESS EVERYONE!
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