
Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking of the word CHOICE.  Every day of our lives we make choices.  I wish I could say we always make good CHOICES, but that is not always true.  The wonderful thing is that if we make a bad choice, we are blessed to have faith and a new chance to make things right.  Today, as we wake up, we can make a CHOICE as to how we’re going to live.  We can begin by dedicating our day to serving Christ.

We need to think often about the CHOICES we make, and we need to include Jesus in them.  We can CHOOSE to put a smile on our faces and greet people with joy, or we can be negative all day.  We can CHOOSE to see the beauty of God’s creation or we can spend the day complaining.  Isn’t it a wonderful gift that we get to CHOOSE?

Today, I’m going to CHOOSE to make this day a day of joy, love, and forgiveness.  I am going to CHOOSE to put a smile on my face and celebrate a new day!  What a great day to be grateful and to CHOOSE to make the world a better place!

Have a blessed day!

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Dr. Marta E. Chipres March 5, 2022 - 7:14 am
Buon Giorno Monsignor, Choice is a mindset, it requires constant focus until it becomes fossilized in our heart, our mind and our soul. One of my favorite quotes is from Buddha, “What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create.” He doesn’t use the word CHOICE, but it is the central theme of this message. We all have the ability to see the greatness in our daily interactions, to be grateful for all HE gifts us. One item I have now internalized is when I’m purchasing a coffee, or Target or grocery store, I’ll great them using their name, (most will wear a name badge). I them look for something to compliment them: their positive demeanor, their jewelry, their watch, their blouse or their eyes. All of us have an inner glow, God’s beauty within us; some exude happiness, joy and love. Others have been weighed down by life’s circumstances, all light up, smile and a sparkle in their eyes will instantly glow when you give a compliment. All of this is completely free, it only takes a second and most importantly our Father expects us to be kind to all. choose to be happy scegli di essere felice Have a blessed happy day Dr. Chipres
Mary Tonoco March 5, 2022 - 9:17 am
Good Morning Gather Craig, thank you for your message today . Have a Beautiful Blessed Day ♥️🙏🙏
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