
Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about BROKENNESS.  During the holiday season, it is a time I think about my family and those I have lost.  I become very aware of my own BROKENNESS AND LOSS.

I think one of the things that connects us as human beings is our own BROKENNESS.  Our brokenness tells us something about ourselves.  

Your brokenness tells me something about you, and mine about me. 

I don’t know if one person’s suffering is greater than another.  SUFFERING is such a personal thing, but when we connect our brokenness, something very real happens.

The greatest brokenness is our separation in relationships. We need to embrace our brokenness, to name it, and then, the most painful part, see it as a gift. The last couple of years, I feel like the vase that has been shattered into a million pieces. 

When I search for the silver lining, I see how many other broken people have come to me. We share stories and tears, and that is not easy.  I could write books on BROKENNESS.  At times, I feel lonely, disconnected, scared, and very vulnerable, and that is when God brings amazing people who share their BROKENNESS.  This Advent season, I light my candle for all those who know what it means to be BROKEN but to have faith. This is why Jesus came into the world.

Today I lift up all those who feel BROKEN.  You are not alone.  And WE are the reason that JESUS came!  Have a blessed day as Jesus sends HIS healing!

 I can’t wait to see what Jesus will make out of all the broken pieces I call me.

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Grace Tanner December 2, 2021 - 6:17 am
Like you I can’t wait to see how He guides my path. Thank you so much for sharing
Grace Tanner December 2, 2021 - 6:18 am
Like you I can’t wait to see how He guides my path. Thank you so much for sharing You keep saying I say the same tho. I do not and I’m get very frustrated
Dana Lynn Soria December 2, 2021 - 6:39 am
You help me start off my day positive Thank you
Marta E Chipres (formally Escobar) December 2, 2021 - 7:28 am
Buon Giorno Monsignor, Your message today on the feeling of BROKENNESS is real and is a extremely sensitive area in my heart. I’ve shared publicly, my journey through my dark painful lonely chapter. During my walk in the midst of my nightmare I lost hope and was unable to see the light nor feel HIS presence with me during the entire journey. HE carried me, sometimes dragged my ass out of my self made deep hole. My hurt and suffering felt as I literally was drowning, I believed couldn’t handle anymore I was embarrassed to feel this way, but it is what it was. I felt as a burden to my family and my friends; as they’d love me but were unaware how hurtful their statements were; to just Will myself out of depression, to see the fact I was blessed: I had family who loves me unconditionally, I have a gorgeous home right by Garces, my family are all healthy, I have food, I can walk, see, hear and have full physical capacity, yes I have rare incurable illnesses but I’m alive. The fact they were unable to acknowledge MY feelings was hurtful. To see the many blessings our Father had bestowed on my vs. my battle over custody of our daughter, the slanderous and libelous lies stated by my husband (who didn’t want me to divorce him, true sheer vengeance), the neighbors and the diocese who mettled into a very private matter, especially my daughter’s graduation ceremonies from Our Lady of Perpetual Help School. My decision to quit a job I loved and was damn good at, as a result of 10 years of jealousy, bullying and harassment has taken a toll on my mentally and physically. It was too much, to the point years later I was diagnosed with ptsd and of course during my nightmare I was diagnosed with SEVERE DEPRESSION. I felt embarrassed with the fact I had to take medication to eliminate my feelings. I felt BROKEN incapable of being strong enough to not let all of this affect me. Now, if you ask me where I am mentally and physically. I’m glad our Father gifted me my mental illnesses and my physical rare genetic blood gifts from HIM. I’m much much stronger than I’d ever thought I was capable of being. Yes, I’m still on anti-depression medication, as a result of my physical body being unable to produce the adequate level of serotonin, dopamine and melatonin. My Kreb Cylcle is defective as my body shut down and is unable to absorb: vitamin B, folic acid and I have fatally high level of iron (hemochromatosis), copper, zinc and magnesium, peripheral neuropathy and my thyroid PHYSICAL illnesses. God is great, caring, loving and omnipotent and omnipresent to which HE literally places complete strangers, I call them Earthly angels, at the exact precise moment when I need them. I’m now consciously aware and observant and await to see who HE’s going to place in my path. The fact I’m not shy and can make friends effortlessly is not a coincidence, it HIS divine power helping me during my journey. Your correct, our BROKENNESS binds us and connects us at a deep deep level. We are all brothers and sisters and ALL have our own passage through suffering. We are all placed on Earth to help one another, not to: be critical, mock, make fun of, much less spread falsehoods. (So damaging to the character and moral of the individual being attacked, it turns into a mob mentality).through acknowledgment of our BROKENNESS we can help others and ourselves. Our following statement spoke to my heart: “When I search for the silver lining, I see how many other broken people have come to me. We share stories and tears, and that is not easy. I could write books on BROKENNESS. At times, I feel lonely, disconnected, scared, and very vulnerable, and that is when God brings amazing people who share their BROKENNESS.” Let’s see our individual BROKENNESS as gifts, once your able to shift your negative mindset into being grateful for your own HURT, you’ll be freed from your self imposed shackles. You’ll be literally freed and will soar toward happiness and sheer joy. Blessings Monsignor, through your own healing process of writing you’re positively impacting thousands of us humble BROKEN, children of God who are sinners. Your broken friend, Dr. Marta Chipres (formally Escobar).
Mary tinoco December 2, 2021 - 8:28 am
Good Morning Father Graig , thank you for your message today. During this season I feel very sad. That I don’t have my parents here, my sister, and my three brothers , I’ve lost someone every year for the last four years including this year , I know what you mean about loneliness . So I pray this Advent for Happiness, and for peace, and for Hod to heal the world . Have a Blessed and Beautiful Day . ♥️🙏🙏🙏
Denise Eyherabide December 2, 2021 - 9:25 am
I'm in the process of healing and I know that HE (GOD) is with me! Amen and God Bless everyone!
glenda bell December 3, 2021 - 12:14 am
The feeling of Brokenness i has been strong for me and my family during this season I thank you for reminding us we are not alone and Pray will each our pain and give hope and a way to answer those going though the losses in their loves that leave that lonely feeling. Thank you for your positive inspirations they really make you dig deep into your heart to let the lord lead us through those moments.
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