Craig Harrison's Coffee with Jesus reflections provide a healthy cup of daily inspiration to start your day. Cover art by

As I sit and have my cup of coffee with Jesus, I was thinking about the word AWARE.  Yesterday, I sat on my porch for a little bit and threw the ball to my dog, Francis.  I started looking around and I became AWARE of so many things.  I noticed that the trees were in full bloom.  There were a lot of tangerines on my neighbor’s tree and, I must confess, they were very sweet.  I watched neighbors walk by, waving or stopping to say hello, others in a hurry as they rushed through the streets. 

Awareness is something I need to practice more often.  A hummingbird just came, and I sat so still that it just stayed right in front of me.  It made me think of all the times I have missed seeing God‘s presence because I was in such a hurry or too much in my own mind.  I didn’t see all of God‘s miracles happening right before my very eyes.

So today, I am going to practice AWARENESS.  Awareness in the simple things, in the sound of the birds, in the colors in the sunset, in cloud formations, and in all of the other gifts that God has in store for me today! 

Have a blessed day, and try to be aware of all that God brings your way.

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